A reminder : by reading or listening, you agree not to screen-shot, record, share, or plagiarize anything contained within any of my Substack posts . thank you .
- Melissa Adylia Calasanz
inspired by my days of youth evenings playing poetry roulette . moonlit nights on the floor of a Branson, MO condo reading out loud to the ceiling accompanied by wine and music and the freedom that comes with no awareness of literary and academic expectations . we were young . a dancer a musician an aesthete . two of three never meeting . thirty years later . and more thousands of miles . states and continents and lifetimes between us . each connected with the loves we've chosen who continue to hold us firmly planted allowing us to be creative . lovers of words . readers of dictionaries and conversations with strangers . I am fortunate for those I've known who have no idea their influence nor their importance . . . i share these intimate moments with you . listener . reader . appreciator of things that stir excite and settle . me . I thank you . for joining me . listening . reading . sharing . creating. " evenings of poetry and music . reading and listening . were the most intimate platonic exchanges of time and creativity . . . " - Melissa Adylia Calasanz
thank you for listening
thank you for reading
thank you so much for existing
thank you for your interest
thank you so much for scrolling all the way down to see this
I appreciate you,
Melissa Adylia Calasanz
I invite you to visit my Personal Substack Page to read what else I am working on
I would also encourage you to visit my private Substack page : You Buy The Shoes I Kick You With Them : Observations & Experiences within the Foot Fetish Subculture
And please, say hello, send a message, question, sweet note, on
IG: MelissaAdyliaPauseBreatheSmile
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